Judith L. Landau, MD, DPM, LMFT, CFLE, CIP, CAI, CRS, Founder and President of Linking Human Systems, LLC, LINC Foundation, and ARISE® Network is a child, family, and community neuropsychiatrist. Former professor of psychiatry and family medicine at the University of Rochester, she has devoted her career to developing Evidence-Based, Best Practice collaborative family and community resilience models. Former faculty member of Psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania and Senior Consultant to the International Trauma Studies Program at NYU and Columbia, Dr. Landau draws upon 50+ years of research and experience aimed at facilitating long-term healing for individuals, families, and communities dealing with chronic, relapsing behavioral, mental, and physical health issues and addiction. (www.linkinghumansystems.com). Learn more.
Director, ARISE® Training, Senior Trainer & Internship Consultant
Director, ARISE® Consulting, Senior ARISE® Trainer & Internship Consultant
Director, ARISE® Consulting Europe, Senior Trainer & Internship Consultant
Director, ARISE® Internship Consulting, Senior Trainer & ARISE® Internship Consultant
Senior Trainer & ARISE® Internship Consultant
International Outreach Consultant
Executive Assistant to Judith Landau
ARISE® Training Coordinator
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