Constant Mouton is a registered psychiatrist, a Medical Director, and a certified ARISE® Interventionist, currently living and working in The Netherlands. Dr. Mouton trained as a medical doctor and (neuro)psychiatrist in South Africa where he gained valuable experience in working cross-culturally. This unique skill enables him to respect and utilize people’s cultural heritage as well as religious and spiritual beliefs, all geared towards understanding a person within their own context. Having lived and worked abroad, he has a personal understanding of the challenges faced with living in a different country than where you grew up in. As a trained medical specialist, he values the bio-psycho-social model of psychiatry. In addition, through his studies and own experiences, he also approaches mental health and addiction problems holistically and prefers to utilize the bio-pscyho-social-cultural-spirtual context when working with clients and their families. The South African philosophy of Ubuntu, “I am because we are”, resonates throughout his work. He believes that by working collaboratively, we access a collective resilience that can restore connectedness between people. Through this connection, we are stronger and are able to overcome adversity. The connectedness creates a space in which we can learn, improve and grow, bettering our own lives, as well as those of others. The process of personal growth, recovery, and healing occurs when we learn to focus on our strengths and resilience, and ultimately creating our own story of mastery and success. In this same spirit of connecting, caring and collaborating, he is eager to teach (and learn) on numerous topics related to complex mental illness, addiction, dual disorders, collaboration, mental wellness, positive psychology and the philosophy of connectedness, enhancing the quality of life and finding ones’ purpose.