I have participated in a number of educational experiences and opportunities throughout the course of my life, but I genuinely think none of them rise to the level of the meaning, value, passion and professionalism of this program. -ARISE® Trainee, Fall 2020
It was a epiphany to a new way to recovery that is organic, holistic and inclusive. It made sense from day one. The family! The power of the family. Wow. This was the most exhilarating experience I have ever had in a safe and supportive learning environment. -ARISE® Trainee, Fall 2020
ARISE® Comprehensive Care with Invitational Intervention® Overview
Our well researched content and tips on recovery and healing for addiction and mental health.
There was that popular saying during the pandemic that stated, “we’re all in the same storm, but we’re not all in the same boat”. ...
Instagram is at the top of my favorite social media networks as a user and a marketer. 90% of Instagram users follow at least one business...
"I am getting more requests from teachers and parents for support with peer connections. This is usually something that comes up in the ...
As CAIs, you KNOW there are so many people and families out there that desperately need to know about you and what you do so they can get ...
The ARISE® Intervention is an invitational, non-secretive, gradually-escalating process.
A thoroughly researched mind-body-spirit approach to improving quality of life, achieving goals and overcoming challenges.
Families are intrinsically healthy and competent. People and environments are constantly in transition.
Dr. Judith Landau, President and CEO of Linking Human Systems, LLC, and ARISE® Network, and President of LINC Foundation, Inc., is a child, family and community neuropsychiatrist.
Dr. Michelle R. Holcomb received her Doctorate from the University of Texas at San Antonio in Counselor Education and Supervision. Michelle is a Certified ARISE® Interventionist, Supervisor, and Trainer and an adolescent, adult, and family systems psychotherapist practicing in the United States and internationally.
Gale Saler, Senior ARISE® Trainer, is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor, Certified Rehabilitation Counselor, and Master Addiction Counselor, who specializes in services to adolescents, young adults and their families dealing with mental health and addiction issues.
Constant Mouton is a registered psychiatrist, a Medical Director, and a certified ARISE® Interventionist, currently living and working in The Netherlands.
To talk with someone about setting up an ARISE® Training and/or Consultation at your facility, please email Kelly Mulkern: kmulkern@arise-network.com. Click here to download our consulting pamphlet.