Contact us: (M – F) 720-982-0101


ARISE® Comprehensive Care, Case Management, Monitoring

Addiction is a chronic, relapsing disease, meaning that many people who get into addiction treatment will, once on their own in familiar or unhealthy environments, fall back into active addiction (use of alcohol or other drugs). Most mental health intervention programs focus only on getting the person of concern (PoC) into treatment but ARISE® Comprehensive Continuing Care is much more inclusive because it includes both during and post-treatment strategies and support for PoCs and their families.


Objectives of ARISE® Comprehensive Care

  • Facilitate the interface between the Intervention Network and the treatment provider.
  • Prevent premature dropping out of treatment.
  • Develop and implement a relapse prevention plan.
  • Monitor sobriety and other health parameters of individual and family members as needed (observation, urine, breathalyzer, blood, hair).
  • Facilitate psycho-educational work.
  • Support self-help meeting participation.
  • Promote family healing and recovery and long-term individual recovery.
  • Address early recovery ambivalence issues
  • Motivate their loved one to continue to attend twelve-step meetings
  • Participate to attend al-anon meetings or other peer support meetings for family members
  • Encourage their addicted loved one to develop and remain committed and accountable for ongoing (lifelong) recovery goals.

Goals of ARISE® Comprehensive Care

  • Continuing care for addiction involves the supportive relationship of the Intervention Network and interface with the addiction treatment provider(s)
  • Preventing the addicted loved one from reverting back to “addicted” or “stinking thinking” once he or she is back out in the real world;
  • Helping the loved one continue to revise his or her relapse prevention plan in response to real world situations and events;
  • Ongoing education of the family and loved one on recovery strategies that evolve as their loved one spends more time in recovery and they all attend more regular 12-step meetings;
  • Resolving any remaining family disagreements and guiding their work on learning to discuss difficult issues openly;
  • Helping them learn to celebrate, grieve, have fun and relax together;
  • Working with them to clarify the triggers of self-destructive behavior in the everyday environment and to find other healthier solutions to them;
  • Providing continuing care for addiction with psycho-education as indicated;
  • Requesting those members of the Intervention Network who did not attend a family program to do so;
  • Strongly encouraging attendance at self-help meetings (Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Al-Anon).
  • Helping them and their loved one to work on improving their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health through mental health plan;
  • Planning how to integrate physical exercise, nutrition, meditation, fun and relaxation into everyday life and learning to maintain a healthy balance through mental health case management plan;
  • Encouraging all of them to participate in improving the family’s physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health
  • Exploring and then helping them all resolve anything interfering with the family’s financial health and stability, and promoting family healing and recovery and long-term individual addiction recovery.

For more information on ARISE® Comprehensive Care: