ARISE® Comprehensive Care with Intervention for addiction and mental health
Adolescent Services
Case Management
Sober companions
Mental Health companions
Safe Transportation
ARISE® Comprehensive Care with Invitational Intervention® is:
A series of respectful, gentle family meetings provided through a concierge service, wherever you choose
Focused on individual and family long-term recovery and healing from mental health issues, behavioral compulsions (gambling, sex, eating disorders, gaming, Internet, hoarding, shopping, spending, debting)
Specialized in adolescents, young adults, children, the elderly, all age groups and families
Proven in federal research to be the most successful intervention
Provided by a national and international network of interventionists aligned with your specific needs and budget
– personalized case management (intensive or as needed)
– Safe transitions; safe passage; guided, supported transportation
– Coaching in home or out
– Companionship
– Monitoring
Invitational Interventions® for:
Adolescents, Young Adults, Children, the Elderly, Families