ARISE® Gambling Intervention
Gambling is easily accessible.
Each day, the average adult has many opportunities to gamble such as office pools, scratch tickets at the grocery store, the big hockey game on TV that weekend and more. For most people, gambling is just a game. It’s a fun pastime. For those with gambling addictions, it feels impossible to stop playing, even when the allure of the game has long passed. Many find it impossible to stop betting even when the money is no longer available.
Gambling is a Process Addiction
Similar to addictions to shopping, sex, binge eating, the Internet, and hoarding, gambling affects all aspects of life. As high as two percent of adults who gamble will eventually develop a gambling-related addiction. Similar to other process addictions, gambling addictions may not initially present themselves as such.
Process addictions tend to increase over time. At first, the addiction appears to be just for fun. There seem to be no negative consequences to the Person of Concern or other members of the family. However, despite the growing concerns the addictive individual experiences, it may feel impossible to quit.
Gambling addiction is often expensive and can endanger many aspects of a person’s life such as:
- financial stability
- job security,
- relationships
People suffering from a gambling addiction learn how to hide the truth. Traits such as blame-shifting and behavior justification allow a person to continue destructive behavior. Many individuals who suffer from a gambling addiction resort to gambling when they are worried, stressed, or angry.
Many people with a gambling addiction will:
- conceal financial troubles
- lie about the amount of time they spend gambling
- steal to continue their habit
Gambling addiction can lead to, and be impacted by, other addictions and harmful behaviors.
Friends and loved ones may notice increased:
- anxiety
- depression
- large portions
- dark under-eye circles
- weight loss
- suicidal thoughts
- lack of sleep
- lack of eating
Many people with compulsive gambling addictions may turn to alcohol and substance abuse as a way to cope with the feelings as mentioned above. Similarly, individuals who have successfully become abstinent from drug and alcohol abuse may involve themselves with a process addiction such as gambling.
Recovery From Gambling IS Possible
Our Certified ARISE® Interventionist will evaluate where your loved one is in their gambling addiction. From there, your Interventionist will work with you and your family to provide the best approach and treatment for your loved one.
An ARISE® Gambling Intervention Treatment is an effective way to help someone you love to get the support and treatment they need. Your loved one does not have to hit “rock bottom” before getting help. Your family does not have to lose their financial and emotional stability before intervention and treatment can begin.
Whole Family Healing
Your Certified ARISE® Interventionist will work with your entire family to restore trust and peace of mind in your home. Our Certified ARISE® Interventionists will coordinate with you and the important members of your family to get your Person of Concern into treatment. ARISE® gets over 83% of individuals into treatment within three weeks, 96% into treatment within six months and 61% in recovery by the end of the year. Your Certified ARISE® Interventionist will help you select a gambling addiction treatment facility that is right for your loved one.
The ARISE® Continuum of Care
Once your loved one has entered treatment, your Certified ARISE® Interventionist will continue working with your family. In collaboration with the treatment facility or outpatient professionals, the Interventionist works until your loved one is ready to move to the next phase of recovery. Recommendations for this next step of recovery will be decided in collaboration with the treatment facility, other treating providers, the Person of Concern, your family, and your Certified ARISE® Interventionist all working together.
You and your Certified ARISE® Interventionist will continue to work together for a minimum of the next 6-12 months on life skills, development, and healing for your family. Measures of monitoring and accountability will be put in place to suit both your needs and the environment. In conjunction with a Certified ARISE® Interventionist, rehabilitation experts, and the support of family members, it IS possible to overcome a gambling addiction.