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CAI Spotlight: Ana Moreno

Ana is our Associate Director of Service. We first met her back in 2018 when she took our 3-Day training in Nashville, TN. We love Ana for her drive, smarts and easy-going, down-to-earth nature.
We recently interviewed Ana so we could share a little more of her with you.

What’s your favorite thing about working with families?

I love seeing the healing through the power of love! Many if not all of the families upon our meeting are in crisis. Being able to give hope through healing is very powerful. As time goes by, the best gift is seeing how families have progressed and their continued commitment to keep moving from good to great.

What drew you to work in this industry?

My first internship while working my master’s degree was in the family program at a hospital-based Addiction Treatment Program. I was fortunate enough to be an intern there for one year. I quickly fell in love with working with the Person Of Concern and their families. I saw the love underneath the fear and how love drove the survival skills the families used to protect their substance-using loved one. Upon completing my internship I was hired as an employee and was then able to work directly with the afflicted individuals. I then further learned about how devastating this disease is. I learned how everyone suffers even though one person is using. I am in awe of the power of recovery for all! 20+ years now and I still feel the same!

How has ARISE® Comprehensive Care with Invitational Intervention changed your practice?

The ARISE Comprehensive Care model has changed my approach to include more generational perspectives. The Recovery Message is another powerful tool that becomes the focus behind the why the family is healing while respecting the past and anticipating a stronger and healthier future.

What career achievement are you most proud of?

I feel very accomplished when my partner and I opened a very successful Intensive Outpatient Substance Abuse practice. We helped many people and sold the practice after 8 years. Currently my partner and I have created another practice where we provide interventions and clinical case consulting and management.

What’s your favorite inspirational quote?

“People will forget that you said, people will forget what you did but, they will not forget how you made them feel”. ~Maya Angelou

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About ARISE® Training:

All CAIs start out with our Comprehensive Care with Intervention workshop and continue with 24 weeks ofARISE Supervision/Consultation with a case they’re working on. Click here if you are interested in learning more about workshops at ARISE® and/or becoming a CAI.

CAI Spotlight: Jack Bloomfield


Jack first took our training back in 2013 in Nashville, TN. The ARISE® method is the only one he’s ever used and he has been quite successful helping families from all over. Jack is truly dedicated to helping families heal. 

We recently interviewed Jack so we could share a little more of him with you.

What’s your favorite thing about working with families?

To see when they have discovered something or some new awareness through our ARISE process that has had a major impact on their life.

What drew you to work in this industry?

The opportunity to work with the whole family unit, not just the addicted individual.

What career achievement are you most proud of?

That my company, A Design For Living Interventions LLC., is now in it’s 8th year and that most professionals and treatment centers trust us with their referrals.

What’s your favorite inspirational quote or book?

My favorite quote is from a Buddhist prayer, “I have learned to offer no resistance to what is. I have learned to allow the present moment to be and to accept the impermanence of all things and conditions…thus I have found peace.

About ARISE® Training:

All CAIs start out with our Comprehensive Care with Intervention workshop and continue with 24 weeks of ARISE Supervision/Consultation with a case they’re working on. Click here if you are interested in learning more about workshops at ARISE® and/or becoming a CAI.

CAI Spotlight: Sarah Hills

We are excited to start introducing you to our fabulous CAIs (Certified ARISE Interventionists) in 2020. All CAIs start out with our Comprehensive Care with Intervention workshop and continue with 24 weeks of ARISE Supervision/Consultation with a case they’re working on. To become a CAI takes time, dedication and drive.



Some of you may already know Sarah Hills. She is our Associate Director of Training. Sarah took her first training with us back in 2004. It’s hard to believe that was already 16 years ago! If you looked up “dedication” in the dictionary, you would find Sarah’s face. Helping people access their resilience and heal is her top priority and she is AMAZING at it.

We got to interview Sarah so we could share a little more of her with you.

What drew you to work in this industry?
As with many people, I suspect, my own history guided me towards wanting to help others.
What’s your favorite thing about working with families?
Watching them internalize their own strengths and resiliencies in order to form stronger connections with each other.
How has ARISE® Comprehensive Care with Invitational Intervention changed your practice?
The philosophy and practice of this model has significantly altered my professional life. I utilize the principles nearly daily in my private practice work. Individuals and families in the therapeutic setting benefit greatly from learning to remove blame, shame and guilt by “re-storying” their family history. My private practice clients are my top priority, but when I take on a full Comprehensive Care with Invitational Intervention case, the families are so grateful for the opportunity to help not only their Person of Concern, but to change the whole family system; creating health and connection for generations to come.
What career achievement are you most proud of?
I feel proud and grateful for so many things in my career. One of the most gratifying and humbling is being able to work with Dr. Landau and our amazing team as a trainer, supervisor/consultant and colleague.
What’s your favorite inspirational quote or book?
There are so many sources of inspiration. I find myself returning, every year it seems, to Viktor Frankl’s “Man’s Search for Meaning”.
“Man is not fully conditioned and determined but rather determines himself whether he gives in to conditions or stands up to them. In other words, man is ultimately self-determining. Man does not simply exist but always decides what his existence will be, what he will become in the next moment. By the same token, every human being has the freedom to change at any instant.” ~Viktor Frankl